Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No Messin'

Time and time again I see councils initiate their "clampdown on dog fouling" or their "hard hitting anti dog fouling" campaigns, but to what avail ?

Do they make any difference to the amount of poop that is hitting our streets ? Not one bit.

So it is with the usual scepticism that I see that Exeter City Council has launched No Messin' as part of its "hard hitting" campaign to combat dog fouling in the city.

Designed to encourage dog owners to clean up after their pets, establish a zero tolerance towards dog fouling & shift attitude about the problem, they have thought to introduce a new & radical method to do just that - an interactive dog poo game.

Councillor Pete Edwards, Lead Councillor for Environment and Leisure for Exeter City Council said, "If this powerful imagery can change the attitudes of just a few of the minority that don't pick up, then it has to be a good thing."

Does this really make people pick up their dog poo ?

Have a go and let me know what you think ...


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