Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Foul(ing) Cried On Sir Bobby Charlton

Sir Bobby Charlton was always a gentleman of football (unlike his brother, Jack, who would hoof you in sensitive locations as soon as look at you). Therefore, I cannot imagine Sir Bobby doing anything wrong.

This was not, however, the view of councillors at Y Ferwig near Cardigan in Ceredigion. They linked Sir Bobby's recent advert for Actimel with dog fouling in children's play areas. A Mr Gooch declared there to be a huge problem with dog fouling adding; "If someone spots a dog foul the owner will quickly get a bag out of their pocket, but if there is no-one around they will ignore it."

Now I cannot imagine Sir Bobby standing idly by while his dog curls one out on a football field. Aside of anything else, the game has been his professional life.

The Advertising Standards Authority exonerated Sir Bobby, observing that the dog did not encroach onto the pitch. Well done! Sir Bobby's reputation remains untarnished.

Read the full story here.


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